
Monday, 18 June 2012

Girly, Sporty or OUT?!

Do this quiz and discover what type of girl style you have. Are you a girl that's girly, a girl that's sporty more to a tom-boy or are you totally out of this? Are you a nothing or a something?Discover NOW ;) and be honest to yourself        

1.What do you normally wear to school?                              
a) Something that's fashion and calls attention!                                                                
b) Oh some shorts and sneakers, something  I can move  around in.                                   
c) Something comfy, i don't really care, something that covers me up.                              

2. What would you wear to a party?                                     
a) A simple dress  or jeans maybe with some converse.                                                     
b) A fancy dress...ooh with high heels!                                                                             
c) A party? I don't normally go but maybe something long.                                                 

3. What do you wear for P.E class?                                       
a) Old shirt and shorts.                                                                                                     
b) My really awesome sneakers with a sports bra or an Adidas shirt with its  shorts.            
c) P.E? Huh! OK well... a really cute top and skirt. Oh wait it's P.E right? Hum yes a really cute top and tight shorts.                                                                                                 

4. What would you wear to the beach?                                 
a) A whole swimming costume.                                                                                         
b) A bikini or a trikini.                                                                                                      
c) Board shorts bikini top.                                                                                                

5. What's the thing that's always with you?                           
a) Make-up duh! Oh and my phone.                                                                                   
b) Um, I don't really know.                                                                                               
c) Everything important, phone, money and house keys.                                                   

6) How's your hair?                                                              
a) Wow messy! It's crazy, it's wild... sometimes I tie it up lol.                                          
b) Everyday something different!                                                                                     
c) I don't have time just something quick.                                                                       

7) What's you favourite season?                                           
a) Summer! It's the best time to party and go out!                                                            
b) Winter! I think it's a really pretty season, the lights because of Christmas and the decoration.                                                                                                                     
c) They're all the same to me.                                                                                         

8. What are your shoes?                                                      
a) High heels, sabrinas , boot and sandals.                                                                        
b) Boots, tackies, and sneakers.                                                                                       
c) Slippers, tackies, sabrinas.                                                                                           

OK time for the answers!                                                    
1. a) 3 points         2. a) 2 points             3. a) 1 point          
    b) 2 points             b) 3 points                 b) 2 points        
    c) 1 point               c) 1 point                  c) 3 points         
4. a) 1 point           5. a) 3 points             6. a) 2 points        
    b) 3 points              b) 1 point                  b) 3 points        
    c) 2 points              c) 2 points                 c) 1 point         
7. a) 3 points          8. a) 3 points                                        
    b) 2 points              b) 2 points                                       
    c) 1 point               c) 1 point                                         

From 8 to 12
Girl you're so out! What's wrong with you? You gotta lose yourself. Don't be shy there's no reason nor any need. You are pretty inside and outside but you gotta show it on your clothes too! It's gives you more life. Hopeless? Need a guide? See our posts talk to us but please be in style! You're on teen trendy trends! Or in our case trendz. =)

From 12 to 20
Oh you're sporty! I like it! It's super cool ;) Tom boys are awesome! But remember to always be a bit girly :D LOOK PRETTY! Your can wear jeans with sabrinas. You can go to P.E  with you hair tied up  differently. There will be some moments in which you'll have to leave the tom boy apart otherwise you'll look like your OUT you can be a * Tom Girl* LOL Just remember that.

From 20 up
You are girly... CUUUUUTTTTTEEEEE!!!!! You're always in style no matter what. Being girly doesn't mean always being in style but if you're here in the 20 up then you're definitely a girly girl that's always in style! Girl you're ON you're in! <3. Just remember that sometimes that girlyness can be irritating and freak people out. Yes you can be awesome, crazily in style and call attention but don't pass the limits of girlyness because it turns into babiness. You rock girl! <3

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